Plan “A” Living

Plan “A” Living To overcome anxiety we need to acquire a singleness of vision and purpose. The question is, “Are we going to live our way or God’s way?" Let’s call God’s way Plan A, which we accept by faith. Let’s call humanity’s way Plan B, which is a natural...


Double-Minded The primary word for anxiety, merimna, in the New Testament has both positive and negative connotations. Of the 25 uses, five of them indicate a sense of caring; the other 20 refer to a distracting and negative sense of worry or dread. In the positive...


Anxiety Jesus teaches that anxious people have two treasures and two visions, because they try to serve two masters (see Matt. 6:19-34). He also teaches in this passage that double-minded people worry about tomorrow. Treasures on earth have two characteristics. First,...

What Are You Seeking

What Are You Seeking? Many years ago I read an article in the Discipleship Journal entitled “Lessons I’ve learned” by J. Oswald Sanders who directed Overseas Missionary Fellowship for many years. Having friends in positions of influence, he was about to pull some...

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