Give Now so that many more men and women will be equipped to disciple and many more will find their significance in Christ.

Who am I in Christ?

I am accepted. I am secure.
I am significant. I am free.

Why give?

Because you were transformed.

  • You want to help others find freedom
  • You know how to reignite families & church communities
  • You are our partner in this transformational discipleship ministry
  • You are God’s hands and feet

Together we can reach men, women and children, around the world, with the message of hope in Christ.

Will you give so that every believer can live free and fruitful in Christ?

Steve Becker
11/11/1956 – 7/15/2024

In Loving Memory

For the last 26 years, Steve & Marianne Becker have worked with Freedom in Christ Ministries and helped many find their freedom in Christ through classes, seminars, and Transform. Steve faithfully served FIC in several leadership roles in the US and internationally. All donations will go to support his widow in her ministry position with Freedom in Christ.

Thank you for considering a gift in his memory.

Select “Marianne Becker” from the Give Page Fund dropdown.

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Crypto Giving Form


For additional information, or to communicate your intent, contact us at or call 865-342-3946.

You can trust that your donation will be used appropriately and wisely to further our mission. To review the Privacy Policy and Financial Statements, click on the links below.

Our address:

Freedom in Christ Ministries
9051 Executive Park Drive, Suite 503
Knoxville, TN 37923

This page was designed to give you general information about gifts to Freedom in Christ Ministries. It is not intended to provide specific advice about the legal or tax implications of such gifts. Before making a gift to FICM, USA, consult with your financial, tax, and legal advisors.

9051 Executive Park Drive, Suite 503 • Knoxville, TN 37923 • 865.342.4000